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      Wouldn't it be great if you could just leave all your money worries and job stress behind? Well, you can! And no, you don't have to move into a cave to live a freer, happier, healthier life. Nor do you have to choose between your work, your pleasures, your friends, and your family.

      Since 1984, Marc Eisenson and Nancy Castleman have been helping folks live the lives they crave, without feeling deprived, without making drastic changes, and without always having that black cloud of debt over their heads

Meet Nancy and Marc
Nancy Castleman & Marc Eisenson
Nancy Castleman
Editor of:
The Pocket Change Investor
Marc Eisenson
Author of:
The Banker's Secret
       Marc Eisenson is the author of The Banker's Secret, which CBS This Morning called "the bible on mortgage pre-payment." Marc has been featured in a long list of newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV stories.

      Over the last 19 years, he and his partner, Nancy Castleman, have saved hundreds of thousands of homeowners and credit card users literally billions of dollars. Among their more recent accomplishments are Invest in Yourself: Six Secrets to a Rich Life, and Stop Junk Mail Forever, which will help you stop the flood of junk mail, telemarketing nuisance calls, and cyberspam.

  Marc & Nancy's Garden
Here's how Marc and Nancy's 10,000 square foot organic garden looks in August.

Marc & Nancy in their garden
Original Art: Marc and Nancy in their garden
        Marc and Nancy with some garden goodies. The photo is from a few years back. The portrait was a birthday present to Nancy from their grandson, Joshua. See Marc's beard and shovel? Nancy's got tomatoes, beans, and asparagus in her basket.


      New: At their grandkids' request, here's one of the few pictures of Marc without a beard -- circa 1986.

       Nancy Castleman has been a consumer advocate all of her adult life! With Marc, she has taught The Banker's Secret, wrote Invest in Yourself: Six Secrets to a Rich Life, and publishes the respected quarterly newsletter, The Pocket Change Investor. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look now.

      With Gerri Detweiler, Marc and Nancy also wrote Slash Your Debt: Save Money and Secure Your Future. Money Magazine and "The Today Show's" personal finance expert, Jean Chatzky, calls it a "must-read."

      Their Good Advice Press also publishes a wonderful children's book,The Peanut Butter & Jelly Game that's fun to read as well as entertaining and educational for kids ages 5 to 8. Take a look at the first few pages.

      Marc and Nancy live on a beautiful farm in New York's Hudson Valley with their 8 cats (give or take one or two), where they tend huge organic vegetable and flower gardens.Their nearest neighbors (and the only ones they can see) are cows.

      But their greatest pleasure these days comes in the form of grandchildren:

We went camping with all 9 grandkids (and their parents) ... June, 2004.

Here's a picture of the 9 Grandkids ... February, 2004.

Here's a picture of the first eight ... Thanksgiving, 2001.

Marc and #9 ... Lucy, born 5/17/02

with her big brother and big sisters!





Ben, Michael and Eric

Ben, Michael and Andrew


3/4 of "The Gang" this Thanksgiving

Adam, Nancy, Andrew & Stephen

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