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Six Secrets to a Rich Life
By Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, and Nancy Castleman

"Congratulations to Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler and Nancy Castleman for letting the cat out of the bag and revealing their six secrets to a rich life. Their wonderful book, Invest in Yourself, should be made required reading for every person on earth, starting in grammar school. It offers rock-solid advice presented with warmth and easy reading. To all three authors, I give a high five!"
-- Jay Conrad Levinson
Author, Guerilla Marketing series of books

"What a breath of fresh air! Eisenson, Detweiler and Castleman blast through the muddled notions our culture has about money and offer smart and simple approaches to every aspect of your financial life."
-- Vicki Robin
Co-author with Joe Dominguez of Your Money or Your Life

"Put life planning dream team to work for you.

When it comes to financial planning -- indeed life planning -- Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler and Nancy Castleman are a dream team. ... Now they have combined energies and written a remarkable and inspiring book, Invest in Yourself (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, $22.95). The authors promise a lot -- the book's subtitle is "Six Secrets to a Rich Life" -- and readers will get their money's worth and more. "
-- Jeanie Blake
The People Helper
The New Orleans Times-Picayune

"Personal finance: the best and worst of 1998.

Of the nearly 200 financial books I've come across this year, this is my favorite by far. "
-- Humberto Cruz
The Savings Game
December 30, 1998

"Practical strategies so you can make the most of your time and your money. From debt experts Detweiler and Eisenson." "
-- Bottom Line Personal
"Send for" column
February 1, 1999

"The authors have set out to show you a new way to look at money that will make you wealthy internally and externally. In essence, it tells you how to live better on less money and save at the same time. "
-- USA Today

"Marc Eisenson can find more ways to 'beat the bank' out of interest on your mortgage, credit card or bank loan than anyone I know. Saving money can often build your wealth faster and safer than investing can. This book is essential reading."
-- William E. Donoghue, Investment Guru
Author of Mutual Fund Superstars: Invest in the Best, Forget About the Rest
Syndicated writer, newsletter editor, radio talk show host

"We Americans have a choice -- spend life enslaved to the gods of consumerism, or live simply but free to fulfill our dreams. If you are yearning to give freedom a try, you'll find this inspiring book provides the roadmap you'll need to get started."
-- Ralph Warner
Author of Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well
Founder, Nolo Press, the highly respected publisher of self-help law books

"This book is guaranteed to make a difference in the way you approach money, work -- and life in general -- whether you're just starting out, struggling to succeed, or already on track. A perfect gift for the graduating senior."
-- Terry Savage
Author of Terry Savage's New Money Strategies
Chicago Sun-Times personal finance columnist

"If you truly want to enjoy life's riches -- financial security, family, peace of mind, and a job you love -- follow the six secrets that Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, and Nancy Castleman share in Invest in Yourself. They make it easy."
-- Dr. Susan Ginsberg
Author of Family Wisdom: The 2,000 Most Important Things
Ever Said About Parenting, Children, and Family Life

Editor and publisher of the Work and Family Life Newsletter

"The most important trend of the new millennium is the focus on freedom. Invest in Yourself will help you live the life you freely choose. It will put you on the path to freedom: on the job, at home, as well as financially."
-- Gerald Celente
Director of The Trends Research Institute
Editor/publisher of The Trends Journal
Author of Trend Tracking and Trends 2000

"Those Good Advice people have done it again. Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, and Nancy Castleman have put together a masterpiece in their new book, Invest in Yourself: Six Secrets to a Rich Life. This book is about money, but it's about so much more. ... All-in-all, I can truthfully say I couldn't get enough of this book."
-- Larry Roth
Author of The Simple Life
Editor and publisher of Living Cheap News

"I must admit there are not many financial tomes on the market today that get me really excited. But even before I turned to the first page of Invest in Yourself, I had a pretty good idea I was holding one such treasure. That's because I know Marc's, Nancy's and Gerri's previous works which are among my most valued financial resources. Over the years I have come to respect them for their sensible approach to finances. They speak my language and make learning this stuff really fun. I was right about Invest in Yourself. It takes the otherwise fairly boring subject of personal finance and makes it exhilarating!"
-- Mary Hunt,
Author of The Financially Confident Woman
Editor and publisher, The Cheapskate Monthly Newsletter

"At last a book that really helps you take control of your future. Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler and Nancy Castleman are regular guests on my nationwide radio show because of their insight and knowledge about personal finance. I know you will refer to this book over and over again and probably buy extra copies to share with your family and friends."
-- Jim Jorgensen
Author of It's Never Too Late to Get Rich
Editor and publisher of It's Your Money newsletter

"Here's my fantasy: a wizard and a fairy godmother (or two) show up and erase all the negative money messages I acquired as I was growing up, along with all the erroneous and contradictory financial advice I've encountered on my own since. Then they patiently and lovingly show me that making the most of my money is an exercise in creative living, one worth mastering. They give me tips and resources and practical advice while pointing out that getting control of financial matters makes it possible to get on with the really important things in life.

Invest In Yourself is the next best thing to my fantasy. What I liked most about it is the authors' no-nonsense approach to their subject. Not only do they take the mystery out of financial matters, they have written a highly readable book that's filled with sound advice. Advice that I intend to follow. This isn't just a money book; it's a handbook for living the good life. I loved it."

-- Barbara J. Winter
Author of Making a Living Without a Job:
Winning Ways for Creating Work that You Love

Publisher of Winning Ways newsletter
Invest in Yourself won't tell you how to make a lot of money, but it will explain how you can live better on less than you think while saving money. The payoff is substantial: reduced stress, more security, a happier family, and a richer enjoyment of life. When the authors tell you to Invest in Yourself, they want you to recognize that you can use your knowledge and abilities to make a better life -- and do it on your own terms.
-- Paul S. Havemann, Vice President, HSH Associates
The nation's largest publisher of mortgage information
"This is the ultimate how to get a life book; it should be on every family bookshelf. It is an easy-read to help you reshape your priorities and give you a new perspective on life."
-- Linda Golodner
President of the National Consumer's League

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