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      GoodAdvicePress is a home-based business started in 1984 to teach Americans how to save a bundle on their mortgages and other debts. We're best known for the book, A Banker's Secret, by consumer advocate Marc Eisenson. Often called "the bible" on the subject,it explains why you should pre-pay your mortgage and credit card bills (see below).

      We're frequently asked to recommend other pieces of good advice, like A Banker's Secret. Thus this little catalogue which lists some of the books we regularly refer to ... and give as gifts. We always offer great deals for visitors to our site -- check back regularly to see what's on sale.

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Marc Eisenson and Nancy Castleman

Books that Offer Good Advice on:
Debt Management Personal Finance
Home Business Real Estate
Retirement & Estate Planning Health, Food & Safety
Family Life Cars, Computing, Clutter & Junk
College Voluntary Simplicity/Gardening
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Debt Management

Book Cover A Banker's Secret
By Marc Eisenson
Learn how you can save a bundle, using your pocket change to pay off your debts. For example, just $25 a month will save $20,000 on today's typical $100,000 mortgage. It shows you how to double check the bank, and answers all the questions you're likely to have -- about pre-payment penalties, tax deductions, bi-weeklies, shopping for a new loan, and refinancing. Over 150 tables show how much money you'll save. Better in your pocket!


The Banker's Secret Audio Tape
       Special Price for Visitors to our Site:
Marc Eisenson Interviewed by Gerri Detweiler

Want a painless way to learn about the benefits of pre-paying -- fast? Just pop this cassette into your car stereo on the way to work or into your Walkman next time you take a spin in the park. In thirty minutes, Marc and Gerri will tell you everything you need to save a bundle. It's a great, easy listening introduction! (Buy in bulk and save even more. Give us a call, and we'll be happy to give you the discount prices.) Normally $12.95. On Sale: $9.95


Book Cover Slash Your Debt: Save Money and Secure Your Future
By Gerri Detweiler, Marc Eisenson, and Nancy Castleman

Learn the pros and cons of all your debt consolidation alternatives - including low-rate credit cards, home equity loans, and borrowing against your 401(k).Whether you owe $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 … or more, whether your credit report is perfect, a mess, or some place in between, Slash Your Debt will make it easy for you to get out from under -- without paying a penny more in interest than you have to -- as it gets you on track to creating a bright future for yourself and your family. The concrete strategies in this 100 page book will make the payoff as painless as possible.


Book Cover The Ultimate Credit Handbook
By Gerri Detweiler

In this new edition, credit expert Gerri Detweiler explains how to: get and keep the lowest cost credit, battle bank foul-ups, avoid common credit mistakes, get your credit profile in shape, find the best card deals, and use the credit laws to your advantage when you have credit problems or mistakes on your credit report. You'll also learn to transfer credit card balances for maximum savings, survive a credit crisis, decide if counseling or bankruptcy is right for you, and implement a lifetime strategy for great credit. If you have credit challenges now, or have had some in the past, this book could be a financial lifesaver. Must reading for every "card-carrying" American!

Book Cover Debt Consolidation 101
By Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, and Nancy Castleman
This informative 20 page booklet gives our best advice on getting the lowest interest rate, even if your credit rating is less than perfect. Learn the pros and cons of borrowing against your home equity, retirement fund, investments, insurance policy ... you name it. Easy-to-use charts show how much you can save. (Price includes postage.)

Audiotape Smart Credit Strategies for College Students
By Gerri Detweiler
This important audiotape helps teens use credit wisely, avoid its pitfalls, and cut through the card issuers' hype. Gerri shares her money saving advice on choosing and using credit cards -- in language teens understand. Ask yours to pop the cassette into their headset for the low-down on managing credit. It won't feel like another homework assignment. We promise!

Book Cover Debt-Free Living
By Larry Burkett
This is THE book for young married couples interested in a Christian perspective on how to protect their marriage from the "debt cycle." Burkett's spiritual guidance is coupled with solid debt management advice.

Book Cover Downsize Your Debt -- On Sale
By Andrew Feinberg
Whether you're shopping for a loan, trying to refinance your mortgage, or hoping to avoid the pitfalls of car loans, credit cards, even loans between friends and family -- this guide will save you money. It's easy reading, comprehensive, intelligent ... even humorous. (Normally $10.00.)

Book Cover Money Troubles
By Robin Leonard
If you have serious financial difficulties, this book will get you on the path to fiscal health. Learn how to respond to wage attachments, lawsuits, the repossession of your car, foreclosure proceedings, property liens, and IRS threats. Includes practical tactics for getting creditors off your back.

Book Cover How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt & Live Prosperously
By Jerrold Mundis
Based on the proven principles and techniques of Alcoholics Anonymous, this book lays out a clear, simple way for debt-a-holics to free themselves from debt, and stay free -- forever. A great value for the money.

Book Cover Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Guide
By Paul Richard
About 40% of credit reports contain errors, so your next credit application may be turned down ... through no fault of your own. Paul Richard, of the Institute of Consumer Financial Education, makes it easy for you to improve your credit rating. Included are sample letters to credit reporting agencies, for example, so you can dispute erroneous information.

Book Cover Money Harmony
By Olivia Mellan
Psychotherapist Olivia Mellan has seen the relationship problems that money conflicts can cause. As she puts it, “money is never just money.” Her experience with couples who clash over finances is laid out in this helpful book, where you’ll learn how to identify your own money “style.” Since that may differ from your mate’s, Mellan offers advice on how to resolve communication problems about handling money, and set financial goals that’ll work for both of you.

Book Cover How to File for Bankruptcy
By S. Elias, A. Renauer & R. Leonard
Read this step-by-step guide on handling your own Chapter 7 bankruptcy case -- before you talk to a lawyer. It answers questions about your credit rating, alternatives to bankruptcy, the effects it'll have on your family, how to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy, and so on. Includes the forms you'll need for a surprisingly inexpensive, and easy do-it-yourself filing.

Books that Offer Good Advice on:
Debt Management Personal Finance
Home Business Real Estate
Retirement & Estate Planning Health, Food & Safety
Family Life Cars, Computing, Clutter & Junk
College Voluntary Simplicity/Gardening
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Personal Finance

Book Cover Invest in Yourself: Six Secrets to a Rich Life
Hardback On Sale:      $12.95
By Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, & Nancy Castleman

Learn the six secrets for living a more fulfilling life, with less stress, doing more of the things you want to do, on less income. While the good life is differen for each of us, and one-size-fits-all formulas don't work, everyone, no matter how deep in debt, no matter how unhappy at home or at work, can change direction and make dreams come true, without being irresponsible or reckless. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of fine-tuning. At other times, major modifications may be in order. (Normally $22.95.)

Book Cover The Richest Man in Babylon
By George S. Clason
This celebrated bestseller, written in 1926, shows the secrets to acquiring and keeping money: disciplined saving and spending. It's a painless intro to financial planning, a wonderful read, and a great bargain, too. Inspirational.

Book Cover Straight Talk on Money
By Ken & Daria Dolan
Another great one by this team! The goal of the Dolan's newest book is to help you take control of your financial future. Learn how to buy mutual funds and insurance, get the job you want, and pick a financial pro you can trust.

Book Cover Trends 2000
By Gerald Celente
Trends 2000 is both a wake-up call and an astute forecast of where we'll be, come the millenium. Our favorite trend-tracker implores us to look beyond superficial reporting and "junk news" (intense coverage of high-profile murders and scandals) to learn where we really are headed in the next few years.

Book Cover Your Bank is Ripping You Off
By Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr.
So what else is new? Of course they're ripping you off! But only because you let them. ATM fees, overdraft fees, stop payment fees, credit card interest, mortgage loans, car finance charges, credit life insurance, late charges, credit turn downs -- the list goes on and on ... . If you'd like to cut your cost of banking, this is THE exposé. A great value, keep it next to your bank book!

Book Cover The Kitchen Table Investor
By John Wasik
Financial writer John Wasik has come up with a gem of an investing guide. Acknowledging that you won't be able to invest unless you first save money, he gives a host of ways to cut down on your expenses. Then, step-by-stp, he teaches you how to invest. You'll learn how to start and maintain an investment club, read investment reports, and pick winning stocks and mutual funds. Wasik presents this complex info in a style that's clear and easy to follow. He's convinced that you can become a millionaire without Regis. You'll be a believer by the time you finish his book which, FYI, features three of our terrific grandkids, and oh yeah, their money-smart parents!

Book Cover to Come Penny Pinching 101: Live Better for Less and Stay Out of Debt
By Jackie Iglehart
Compiled by Jackie Iglehart, who wrote The Penny Pincher newsletter, this book is full of practical, money saving tips for cars, clothing, utilities, holidays, property taxes, etc. The money you'll save from the ideas in this book will more than cover its $12.95 price tag.

Book Cover Be Prepared
By David Landay
There's a ton of information in books and online about financial planning and coping with serious illnesses. But not much that brings the two topics together to help people deal with the financial side of life-threatening conditions. That's why Be Prepared is such a godsend. Attorney David Landay offers solid advice about how to cover medical bills, deal with work issue, do financial and estate planning, and much more. A must-read for anyone facing a life-challenging illness.

Book Cover Investing with Your Values: Making Money and Making a Difference
By Hal and Jack Brill and Cliff Feigenbaum
This handbook on socially responsible investing is packed with information on how to mesh your values with your financial decisions. Hal and Jack Brill, along with Cliff Feigenbaum, experts in this area, cover in detail how social screening, shareholder activism, and community investing work. They also provide worksheets to help you develop a personal strategy as a socially responsible investor. Included are profiles of all the major socially responsible funds, as well as information on many other special-interest funds. An excellent appendix full of resources rounds out the book.
$23.95 (Hardcover)
$18.95 (Paperback)

Book Cover A Commonsense Guide to Your 401(k)
By Mary Rowland
More than 22 million Americans have 401(k) plans worth an astounding $750 billion. Chances are, most employees who sign up for this great perk do little more than read an occasional article on the subject. But big bucks -- and 22 million nest eggs -- are on the line. So if you're lucky enough to be eligible for a 401(k), you owe it to yourself to read this objective guide. In a series of easy- to-digest steps, personal finance writer Mary Rowland lays out everything you need to know about maximizing 401(k) investments -- including sample portfolios, reducing taxes, monitoring plan expenses, taking a loan, or making a withdrawal.

Book Cover Get a Financial Life
By Beth Kobliner
Getting a good financial start in your twenties and thirties can save lots of grief in your forties and fifties. Personal finance writer (and Gen Xer) Beth Kobliner covers it all: handling debt, banking, investing, insurance, home buying, and taxes. In a chapter called, "Living the Good Life in 2030," she also makes a persuasive case for getting started early on retirement planning. There's even a "crib notes" section that summarizes the book for busy folks -- though a savvy reader will press on for all the valuable advice that follows.

Book Cover Money Shy to Money Sure: A Woman's Road Map to Financial Well-Being
By Olivia Mellan and Sherry Christie
This guide was written to help women overcome the myths that keep them from taking charge of their money. For example: "It's too complicated," "I don't have enough to do anything with," "I don't have time," and "Someone else should be taking care of this." We think everyone has to cope with these myths, and can benefit from the book's sound advice on investing, preparing for retirement, saving money, and so on.

Book Cover Smarter Insurance Solutions
By Janet Bamford
Author Janet Bamford says that 16% of the typical household budget goes to pay for insurance. So knowing the score on health, life, disability, auto, and home insurance not only averts financial ruin, but also saves you premium dollars. Bamford offers sound guidelines for what you'll need to protect yourself and your family -- and shows you how to find the best prices on each type of policy. Her section on health insurance plans is especially helpful in navigating the new world of managed care.

Book Cover Miserly Moms
By Jonni McCoy
Through creative cost cutting and by eliminating work-related expenses, Jonni McCoy saved her family over $18,000 a year, and could give up her job to stay home with her kids. This book details how she pulled it off. Much of it is devoted to saving money on food, but she also offers tips to save on everything from household cleaners and cosmetics to medical expenses and vacations. Her advice on getting spouses and children to mend their spendthrift ways will be helpful for all families looking to live well on less.

Book Cover The Budget Kit
By Judy Lawrence
Truth be told, we’re not budgeters. But we know that careful budgeting can be a crucial tool for managing your money and getting out of debt -- and this easy-to-use workbook can help you gain control of your spending and organize your records once and for all! The comprehensive worksheets and charts allow you to set financial goals, plan and monitor your spending. It even helps you organize for tax time. Inspiring stories from people who have used The Budget Kit to change their financial lives for the better will keep you motivated. A simple tool that can make a tremendous difference.

Book Cover 4 Easy Steps to Successful Investing
By Jonathan D. Pond
If the very idea of learning about investing gives you a headache, take a deep breath, then relax and read this book. Personal finance expert Jonathan Pond lays out all the strategies clearly and simply, then guides you toward creating a balanced investment portfolio. His chapter, “Oh No! Surviving a Market Decline,” will help you sleep nights even when the Dow takes a big dip.

Book Cover Simple Money Solutions
By Nancy Lloyd
Even though this book takes on plenty of complex topics -- like handling credit, paying for college, and getting started as an investor -- personal finance commentator on NPR's "Morning Edition" Nancy Lloyd does indeed make the solutions seem simple. In addition to solid advice on each topic, she offers lists of red flags, pros and cons, and common blunders to avoid. With so many of us relying on the Web, her tips about savvy online shopping and investments are particularly useful.

Book Cover Get Clark Smart
By Clark Howard & Mark Meltzer
Georgians turn to this radio talk host's show for help dodging ripoffs, marketing scams, and investment come-ons. Now, you can get his help solving problems with time shares, contests, employment services, health clubs, and extended warranties, for instance. His lively workbook also includes tips on cars, taxes, real estate, remodeling, home security, travel, you name it!

Book Cover The Consumer Bible: 1001 Ways to Shop Smart
By Mark Green
This book lives up to its "bible" title. Consumer advocate Green tackles the entire gamut of expenses you're likely to face in life ... and in death ... covering everything from infertility treatments to funerals. Whether you're looking for child care, problem-free moving, or the best airfares -- this book has it all!

Book Cover The Truth About Money
By Ric Edelman
Whether you're a novice investor or an experienced money manager, you'll find a wealth of information packed into this book, written in a down-to-earth style that makes you want to keep reading. Financial planner Ric Edelman pulls no punches, as he de-mystifies complex investment options and offers practical advice on getting out of debt, paying for big-ticket expenses, and planning your estate. His chapter on paying for college will be a revelation to anxious parents.

Book Cover The New Commonsense Guide to Mutual Funds
By Mary Rowland
More than 63 million Americans own mutual funds, but most folks don't really know what they're all about, aside from being the "must" investment of the 90's. This guide, by personal finance writer Mary Rowland, will change that. Much of the book is devoted to a series of specific dos and don'ts, packed with useful information for both novice investor and seasoned shareholders. There's also a range of asset allocation portfolios for every type of investment "personality," and a primer on how to work with a financial advisor.

Book Cover Frugal Families: Making the Most of Your Hard Earned Money
By Jonni McCoy
Jonni McCoy showed how to go from a two-family income to one in her first book, Miserly Moms. In her new book, she offers helpful ideas on how to maintain that lifestyle by saving money on kids' clothing, lunches, gardening, vacations, insurance, cars, computer software, appliances and more. She shares lots of useful 800 numbers as well as money saving addresses and Web sites.

Book Cover Tiptionary
By Mary Hunt
Mary Hunt, editor of Cheapskate Monthly, has gathered together thousands of handy reader tips on how to do everything quicker, better, and on the cheap. Whether you're buying a car, doing the laundry, grocery shopping, or planning a vacation, you'll appreciate the helpful hints collected here. Arranged by categories, you can zero in on a particular topic or just have fun perusing the book, gathering ideas as you go. We particularly liked the simple solution to getting pesky tomato stains out of plastic containers -- just leave them out in the sun!

Book Cover Fabulous Bargains! Great Deals You Can Get for (Almost) Wholesale
By Stephanie Gallagher
This is a terrific resource for bargain-hunters. Personal finance writer Stephanie Gallagher has unearthed the best places for discounts on everything from furniture and fitness equipment to airline tickets and stock transactions. Many of the book's 500+ sources sell via catalogues or online, so you'll even save on gas and avoid getting "malled."

Book Cover The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need
By Andrew Tobias
For novice investors, Andrew Tobias’ easy-to-read classic certainly lives up to its name! Tobias offers a common sense, nuts and bolts approach to investing. As a bonus, his wry humor will provoke more than a few chuckles as he teaches you the basics of how to increase your personal bottom line.

Book Cover Divorce and Money
By V. Woodhouse, V. Felton-Collins, & M.V. Blakeman
Thinking it may be time to go your separate ways? This book will help you make crucial decisions about the house, taxes, alimony, child support, joint accounts, debts, pensions, etc.

Book Cover Stand Up to the IRS
By Frederick W. Daily
Chances are, you'll have a go 'round with the IRS at some point. Since over 80% of those audited end up forking over more cash, this tax lawyer can save you a bundle. Learn how the IRS "thinks," and what you should -- and shouldn't -- do or say, to successfully defend yourself. A great aid and comfort to every taxpayer facing an audit.

Books that Offer Good Advice on:
Debt Management Personal Finance
Home Business Real Estate
Retirement & Estate Planning Health, Food & Safety
Family Life Cars, Computing, Clutter & Junk
College Voluntary Simplicity/Gardening
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Home Business

Book Cover Making a Living Without a Job
By Barbara J. Winter
Want to be your own boss? This book will make it easy for you to become "joyfully" jobless, with clear, practical guidance for creating "multiple profit centers." Each one will earn you money as it makes your life more exciting, enriching, energizing, and plain old enjoyable.

Book Cover to Come Homemade Money: Starting Smart!
By Barbara Brabec
Starting Smart!: How to Turn Your Talents, Experience, & Know-How into a Profitable Homebased Business That's Perfect for You! is Barbara Brabec's detailed guide for home business beginners. It gives an intro to the work-at-home industry, shows which at home "opportunities" to avoid, and helps you figure out: what type of business is right for you, how to price your time, and how to blend your business life with your personal life. Also includes lots of resources -- books, online organizations, etc.


Book Cover to Come Homemade Money: Bringing in the Bucks!
By Barbara Brabec
Subtitled, A Business Management & Marketing Bible for Home-Business Owners, Self-Employed Individuals, & Web Entrepreneurs Working from Home Base, Barbara Brabec's Bringing in the Bucks! picks up where Starting Smart leaves off. It will teach you how to do business on the Web, market your business with little or no money, solve time, money, and space problems, manage stress, and fight burnout. We got more than a few leads from this volume, which we'll be putting to good use.


Book Cover The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home & Home Becomes Work
By Arlie Russell Hochschild
Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild poignantly documents the time wars going on in far too may U.S. families. As she shows, even when corporate America is seemingly most sympathetic to the responsibilities of family life, workers are putting in more and more time at the office. The needs of children in particular aren't being adequately met. Hochschild calls for a "time movement" that will lead to a better balance between home, work, day care and true quality time for parents and kids.

Book Cover Guerrilla Saving: Secrets for Keeping Profits
in Your Home-Based Business

By Jay Conrad Levinson and Kathryn Tyler
Get the low-down on how to save a bundle on the many expenses of running a home-based business. The book is packed with ways to save on office supplies, telephone costs, taxes, equipment, and marketing. It also includes thrifty ways to improve your skills, savings in cyberspace, and frugal photocopying, photography, and printing.

Book Cover Guerilla Marketing: Secrets for Making Big Profits
From Your Small Business

By Jay Conrad Levinson
The latest edition of this classic lays out 358 pages of options for successfully promoting your business, including advice about making the most of computer technology. Jay Conrad Levinson's ideas about using "big imagination instead of big budgets" is bound to help your venture prosper and grow. Every budding entrepreneur should have a copy of Guerilla Marketing. At $13, this is an incredible bargain!

Book Cover Working Solo
By Terri Lonier
This is a very comprehensive, easy to read intro to the world of small business, and really is all you'd need to learn to get from the fantasy of being your own boss to the reality. Terri Lonier covers everything, from choosing to start and then succeeding at your very own Ace in the Hole. All you have to supply is enthusiasm, energy, and determination! Go to www.workingsolo.com for more inspiration and information.

Book Cover 101 Best Home Businesses
By Dan Ramsey
We firmly believe that everyone should start a small home-based business -- what we call an “Ace in the Hole” -- to bring in extra income and help weather economic storms. What that business should be isn’t immediately apparent to many people. That’s the special value of this book. Small business expert Dan Ramsey gives the low-down on a wide range of opportunities, everything from antique dealer to wedding planner. You’ll learn what each business entails, who your customers are likely to be, what to charge, what you can make, and which resources can help you get started.

Book Cover Growing a Business
By Paul Hawken
As a business consultant and co-owner of Smith & Hawken, a highly successful catalog business, Paul Hawken knows what works and what doesn’t for businesses, large and small. He’s set it all down, in a style that makes you want to keep reading. A must for every would-be and current business owner.

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