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Invest in Yourself:
Six Secrets to a Rich Life
by Marc Eisenson, Gerri Detweiler, and Nancy Castleman

How to earn, invest, and spend your money to create the life YOU want.

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SAVE $10: Get the hardback -- regularly $22.95 -- for a mere $12.95!

            At GoodAdvicePress, we've spent the last nineteen years helping Americans save money, get out of debt, and live better on less. Through the sale of  books, software, our "Windfall", audiotapes, an assortment of other publications, and this Web site, we've helped hundreds of thousands of families save billions of dollars.

            In our book, Invest in Yourself: Six Secrets to a Rich Life, we share our philosophy and practical tips for living a more fulfilling life, with less stress, doing more of the things you want to do, on less income. For a sampling of some of our more practical advice, here's an excerpt from "Driving a Winner," our chapter on car buying. For a taste of our more philosophical bent, here's an excerpt from the book's introduction.

            All it really takes is the right investment portfolio. A portfolio not just of stocks and bonds, but one that includes investments in yourself and in your family. Like any good portfolio, the best investments you can make in yourself are diversified, flexible enough to change as you and your goals do, carefully managed, and geared to the long term.

            To create the portfolio that's right for you, you've got to invest time and energy in figuring out what you really want -- and what will get you there.

            While the good life is different for each of us, and one-size-fits-all formulas don't work, everyone, no matter how deep in debt, no matter how unhappy at home or at work, can change direction and make dreams come true, without being irresponsible or reckless. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of fine-tuning. At other times, major modifications may be in order.

Many thanks for your interest in our work! Here's hoping we help you save a bundle!
Marc Eisenson & Nancy Castleman

P.S. Meet Baby Lucy and all of our 9 grandkids, and see our 10,000 square foot organic garden.

A Banker's Secret
A Banker's Secret
"The Bible of
mortgage pre-payment"
-- CBS This Morning

Stop Junk Mail
Stop Junk Mail

"... worth its weight in gold"
-- Elaine St. James
Living the Simple Life

The Peanut Butter & Jelly Game
The Peanut Butter
and Jelly Game

"Right on target!"
-- Trends expert,
Gerald Celente

Slash Your Debt
Slash Your Debt:
Save Money and Secure Your Future

"An important book ..."
-- Ric Edelman
Author of The Truth About Money

The Pocket Change Investor Newsletter
"... world class cheapskates"
-- Kristin Davis
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Debt Consolidation 101
Debt Consolidation 101
Keep more of your money ...
Give less to the bank!

Did You Know?
Facts of Financial Life that Might Surprise You!
1. By the time you pay back a $100,000 mortgage, you could send your lender $250,000, or more. Enough to buy your house and an even nicer one for your banker! It doesn't have to be that way!

2. Over their working lifetime, the average family will earn more than $2,000,000, yet they struggle from week to week. It doesn't have to be that way!

3. A new car could easily cost a year of your life. It doesn't have to be that way!

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          The following articles are from The Pocket Change Investor (formerly known as The Banker's Secret Bulletin). We hope you enjoy, and profit from this sampling. We'll be adding new articles regularly, so please visit again, and often!

Also See Our Special Reports:
               Home Equity Loans -- Pros and Cons
               Protecting Your Financial Privacy

               Refinancing? Beware of Conventional Wisdom
               Driving a Car Insurance Bargain
               If Tragedy Strikes: Tips on Surviving Off the Grid

We respect your right to privacy. We will NEVER sell, trade, or rent your name, send you junk mail or spam,or contact you, unless you specifically ask us to. That's why we wrote: Stop Junk Mail Forever. (Our fourth edition is now available!)

Nancy's favorite trowel    


Nancy's Favorite Trowel

In addition to suggesting practical tactics for creating the life you want, we're also offering a tool that's very practical ... literally! Look at what Nancy has to say about her favorite gardening trowel.

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