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Kids and Media: Our Four Favorite Web Sites

www.aap.org/advocacy/mediamatters.htm -- Media Matters, the national media education campaign of the American Academy of Pediatrics, includes policy statements, articles, and brochures on the effects of media on children.

www.ithaca.edu/cretv/research/tv_lives.htm -- The Center for Research on the Effects of Television offers a useful list of guidelines on children's television viewing.

http://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/HomePage (note that there's no www. in this address) -- The Media Literary Online Project includes many resources for parents and teachers about educating children on media influences.

www.safekids.com/child_safety.htm -- Written by syndicated computer columnist Larry Magid, "Child Safety on the Information Highway" is an excellent guide to navigating the 'Net securely.

For more on kids and the media, go to:

Spice, Silicone, and Sex: What's a Parent to Do?!

TV as Babysitter: The Cost

Media Management 101: What You Can Do to Combat Media Influences

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Reprinted from The Pocket Change Investor, Issue #27
© 1999, Marc Eisenson & Nancy Castleman
Web Page by Good Advice Press © 1999
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