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Good Advice Press:
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The Peanut Butter & Jelly Game
Author: Adam Eisenson
Illustrator: Joseph Walden
Beautifully illustrated children's book: $14.95 US

      Harry the Gorilla and his best friend, Bradley the Porcupine, were taking their usual Saturday drive to the supermarket. On the way, Harry spotted a sign in the window of Sammy's Sporting Goods Store:

"All Baseball Gloves Half Price."
      "Stop the car!" shouted Harry, all excited. "I need a new mitt."      "Harry, you already have one," said Bradley. "What you need is to buy some food ... especially your favorite, peanut butter."

      "Yeah, yeah, yeah! But first, I want to check out some baseball gloves. Stop the car!" Harry ordered.

      On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, Harry had plenty of peanut butter. Each day he made a thick sandwich of it topped with grape jelly.

Then came Wednesday.

      Harry went to the kitchen and opened his refrigerator. Do you know what he found?

Absolutely nothing!

      Bradley had been right. Harry had run out of peanut butter. The rumbles and growls in the gorilla's stomach got louder ... and louder... and louder!

      More than anything, he craved his favorite meal -- a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.Starving and embarrassed, the gorilla tries to borrow the ingredients from his lovable neighbors: Bradley, a preppy porcupine, Matilda, a hard-of-hearing hippo, and Gertrude, who's an absent-minded skunk.Along the way, Harry gets hungrier and hungrier -- and learns some very important life lessons about saving and spending money.As the story continues, young readers will, too! And they'll have fun at the same time.

More Than A Story
      As readers share this tale, written and illustrated by educators, children wait to hear the magic words, "peanut butter" and "jelly."

      Once they're spoken, the children must immediately do something. It can be as simple as clapping hands five times when they hear "jelly," or acting like Harry the Gorilla for a few seconds, in response to "peanut butter."

      Teachers, parents and librarians can use The Peanut Butter And Jelly Game to make learning to listen ... fun. And children are enthusiastic about this unique way to exercise their bodies and minds.

What the Experts Say about
The Peanut Butter & Jelly Game
"It's more important than ever for young people to become smart spenders. This unique concept book helps children in grades K-3 understand what happens when money is spent foolishly -- and then how to undo the mistake. Youngsters will enjoy reading this story again and again."
--Paul Richard, VP-Director of Education
National Center for Financial Education

"The Peanut Butter and Jelly Game is right on target, and what parents are looking for -- a brilliant book on voluntary simplicity for children. It shows children how to intelligently handle their money, and find real enjoyment -- not in over-consumption, but in the simple pleasures of life."
-- Gerald Celente
Author, Trends 2000
Director, Trends Research Institute

-- Nancy Dunnan
Author, Your First Financial Steps

"My six year old daughter Elise simply adored it."
-- Debra Wishik Englander
Author, How to Be Your Own Financial Planner
"Children who see an average of 40,000 commercials a year need help distinguishing between their needs and wants.... You can get help from a new book for young children, The Peanut Butter and Jelly Game, which offers an interactive way for children to learn how to make smart choices with their money."
-- Richard Schroeder
The Buffalo News

"... wonderful ..."
-- Ralph (Jake) Warner
Attorney/Consumer Advocate
Author, Get a LifeNolo Press

"Kids are never too young to make smart choices about money.... A 32-page full color book... teaches kids in kindergarten through third grade how to plan ahead, share and save money."
-- Kenn Peters
Money Matters
Syracuse Herald-Journal

"Here's a book that's not only a story, but also a fun-filled game. This brightly illustrated book... created by educators... allows kids to have fun while listening. Every time the words peanut butter or jelly are heard, kids must do something. It can be as simple as clapping their hands, or stomping their feet, or -- well, you get the idea. Whatever it may be, this child-involved book will bring smiles to their faces as well as rumbles to their stomachs."
-- Scott Weissman & Lauren Labanca
The Wishing Star Children's Bookstore

-- Dee Squillace,Children's Librarian
Sanibel, FL

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