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Tools for Creating the Life YOU Want!

The Banker's Secret
Table of Contents

Part One: Instructions
Why Pre-Paying Saves So Much
Pre-Payment Schedules
Your Mortgage Is a Great Investment
Irregular Pre-Payments
Decide on Your Savings in Advance
Decide When You'll Be Debt-Free
Getting Started
Start Pre-Paying Now
Toward the End
Part Two: Questions Answered
Can All Loans Be Pre-Paid?
How Does Pre-Paying Affect My Home Equity?
What if I Can Get A Higher Return Elsewhere?
How Do I Track Pre-Payments on My Adjustable Mortgage?
What About Bi-Weekly Loans?
How About Having Someone Convert My Loan into a Bi-Weekly?
What About GPMs, 15-Year, and Other Interest Saving Loans?
I'm Shopping for a Mortgage. What's Your Advice?
Isn't Pre-Paying Going to Cost Me Important Tax Deductions?
Is It in the Bank's Interest for Me to Pre-Pay?
Why Hasn't My Banker Told Me The Secret?
What if My Banker Says "No!"?
What About Pre-Payment Penalties?
What if I Plan on Moving Soon?
When Should I Pre-Pay and When Should I Refinance?
Will Regular or Irregular Pre-Payments Save Me More?
What About Pre-Paid College Plans?
How Can I Use My Mortgage to Create a College Tuiton Plan?
What About Low-Interest Loans?
What About Inflation?
What if I Miss a Payment?
OK, What's the Catch?
How Do I Get a Pre-Payment Schedule?
What Would Happen if Everyone Pre-Paid?
Part Three: Pre-Payment Tables
Part Four: Appendixes
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