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Real Estate

Book Cover How to Sell Your Home in 5 Days
By William Effros
Author Bill Effros sold his own home in 5 days -- for more than the broker had been asking -- and then wrote our favorite "Fizzbo" (for sale by owner) book. He takes you step-by-step through the process, so you, too, can get the best price and save a bundle on broker commissions. He tells you how to price your house, write an inexpensive ad to draw dozens of serious buyers, run an open house, and conduct round robin bidding. His system works for other big-ticket items as well.

Book Cover Not One Dollar More!
By Joseph E. Cummins
Is there a house in your future? Want to buy it at the lowest possible price? Joseph E. Cummins has crafted the best "how to negotiate" book we've ever read. Please don't negotiate for a home, even a car or job, until you've learned how to pay NOT ONE DOLLAR MORE! Highly recommended. This one will save you a bundle.

Book Cover 100 Questions Every
First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask

By Ilyce R. Glink
Very sound advice, starting with the basics -- how to figure out what you want in a home. A great guide through the expensive mine fields that you'll encounter along the way to the American Dream -- whether it's your first time out, or not. Easy-to-read.

Book Cover The Homebuyer's Kit
By Edith Lank
This book is chock full of tips, checklists, and charts to help you through every aspect of the homebuying process. Learn to spot bargains, work with agents, negotiate a final price, and finance your dream house ... condo, co-op, or mobile home. This one's a classic.

Book Cover How to Save Thousands of Dollars on Your Home Mortgage
By Randy Johnson
Mortgage broker Randy Johnson reveals the chicanery that exists in the home loan industry, so you won't get bamboozled on this expense of a lifetime. He also shows you how to find the real pros who care about their clients and know how to work the system. It's a real jungle out there in mortgage land. Don't even think about sitting down with a loan officer before you read this book!

Book Cover Find It, Buy It, Fix It
By Rober Irwin
Thinking about a handyman's (or woman's) special? What an undertaking! Here's a step-by-step guide to buying and rehabbing a "fixer-upper." Real estate expert Robert Irwin shows you how to decide if you're the right person for the project. If so, you'll learn how to locate a property, check it out, become its proud owner, then assemble your "dream team" of plumbers, electricians, and other contractors. You'll also find lots of helpful advice on estimating costs, financing the deal, and deciding what parts of the many projects to tackle yourself.

Book Cover Your Home Inspection Guide
By William L. Ventolo
An excellent book for the amateur home inspector -- which means you, if you're even thinking about buying a house. Learn how to inspect and evaluate a house, to find both obvious and hidden defects. Lots of photos, drawings, and comprehensive checklists make it easy to spot the clues.

Book Cover Save a Fortune on Your Homeowner's Property Tax
By Harry Koenig and Bob Lafay
Most homeowners who grieve their tax bills land a reduction -- probably because the majority of assessments contain an error of some sort. But you need to know how to mount a successful challenge: by researching property values, checking assessment rolls, and preparing a convincing case. Real estate pros Harry Koenig and Bob Lafay lay out all the steps, along with helpful checklists, forms, and Web sites. Using their easy-to-follow approach could save you a bundle.

Book Cover Buy It, Fix It, Sell It: Profit
By Kevin Myers
All around you are homes that have been neglected. They're just waiting for you to buy them at a bargain price, rehabilitate them, and then sell them at a profit. Even if the only nail you'll ever hit with a hammer is the one on your thumb, Kevin Myers can show you how to turn unloved properties into a good healthy income. And you don't have to smash open your piggy bank in order to succeed ... which just may save your nail.

Book Cover Home Ownership: The American Myth                     On Sale:
       Special: 50% Off for Visitors to our Site

Sometimes, buying a home is not the best bet. Renting can be a better value. This book will give you the tools to make your own buy or rent decision. Learn the pros ... and cons ... of both. Normally $11.95. On Sale: $5.97


Book Cover Neighbor Law
By Cora Jordan
This book explains the laws on those all too common disputes between neighbors -- over fences, trees, boundaries, and noise. It also alerts you to valuable local help, and gives you a step-by-step strategy for resolving disputes, without those costly lawsuits.

Book Cover Finding & Buying Your Place in the Country
By Les and Carol Scher
House-hunting is tough enough anywhere, but locating the right piece of country property -- and paying a reasonable price for it -- takes a special kind of knowledge. This classic has guided potential country-dwellers for almost 25 years in the intricacies of drainage tests, water rights, easements, building codes ... and much more. Read it before you go hunting for your piece of paradise, and you'll avoid the many pitfalls that may await you.

Book Cover Your Low-Tax Dream House                      On Sale:
Want to make your real estate taxes less taxing? If you're thinking of buying, building, or remodeling a home, be sure to consult this book's summary of the property tax systems in your state. Give yourself a tax break! Normally $12.95.

Book Cover The Owner-Builder Book
By Mark A. & Elaine M. Smith
Ever dreamt about a custom built home? We've got the book for you. Mark and Elaine Smith saved 44% of the cost of building their own home, thanks to their painstaking planning, savvy supervising of sub- contractors, and getting the best possible price on everything that went into the construction.

They share their experience and strategies in this fascinating book. It's incredibly detailed, with valuable lists, charts, ideas, and questionnaires (like what to ask potential subcontractors), yet easy reading.

Even if your construction project is more modest -- say, remodeling your kitchen or adding a deck -- this is must reading.


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Retirement & Estate Planning

Book Cover 100 Best Retirement Businesses
By Lisa Angowski Rogak
Whether you retire early or late, voluntarily or not, consider a business of your own. But what? To really get your creative juices flowing, read this book which discussed start-up costs, success potential, whether it can be run from home, how to market your wares or services, and where to get more information. For each possibility, there's a real life story about someone doing it.

Book Cover 9 Easy Ways to Avoid Estate Taxes
By Mary Randolph & Denis Clifford
Nolo Press, publisher of consumer and legal self-help books, offers another great book. Written by attorneys, in plain, easy-to-read English, this book will let you know what you need to do to keep hold of as much of your estate as you can for your beneficiaries. As the cover of the book states, "it's the best guide to keeping your estate from the tax man."

Book Cover to Come The Personal Organizer for Planning Your Estate
By Marc Eisenson and Nancy Castleman
Need help organizing and listing all the important people, documents, and possessions in your life? Our booklet will help you do just that, and it will make it much easier to create an estate plan. In the event of a serious illness or death, The Personal Organizer will be a great aide to those closest to you, as they get things in order. Don't have a will? You need one! And if you fill out your Personal Organizer before you see the attorney, it should also help you save some money on the lawyer's bill -- all for $4.95 postpaid!

Book Cover Reverse Mortgages for Beginners: A Consumer Guide to Every Homeowner's Retirment Nest Egg
By Ken Scholen
Reverse mortgages allow senior citizens to continue living in their home, while generating a significant amount of cash for living expenses. Consumer advocate Ken Scholen has put his considerable expertise on reverse mortgages into this basic guide. Whether you're thinking about a reverse mortgage for yourself or for a parent, learn about your options from this objective source, before you hear a banker's sales pitch.

Book Cover Prime Time
By Loren Dunton
Dunton, "the father of financial planning," gives excellent advice on retirement and money. He also offers concrete tips for enjoying yourself to the fullest, once you've run for the 8:02 for the last time. While his focus is on the over 50 crowd, Dunton shares solid, though occasionally controversial ideas for increasing your pleasure quotient at every age ... even in the bedroom.

Book Cover Plan Your Estate with a Living Trust
By Denis Clifford & Cora Jordan
This comprehensive, do-it-yourself book was written primarily for people whose estates are under $600,000. It'll show you how to provide for minor children, avoid probate, minimize estate taxes, and write a valid Will.

Book Cover Nolo's Will Book
By Denis Clifford
Just about everyone needs a will, but many people (up to two-thirds of Americans, according to one statistic) let their fears, as well as the complexity and the cost, keep them from getting this important document prepared. If you're in this group, you've just lost all your excuses. Nolo's Will Book, written by attorney Denis Clifford, provides everything you need to prepare a legally valid will on your own, including tear-out forms (as well as a handy disk to print out the forms on your computer). Even if you choose to consult a lawyer to help with your will, reading this book first is likely to save you a chunk of change on legal fees.

Choose the Right Long-Term Care
By Joseph Matthews
The typical tab for a nursing home these days is $40,000 a year. Yet alternative long-term care options exist, and there are some proven strategies for paying those huge bills. Attorney Joseph Matthews gives you the low-down on protecting assets, checking out long-term care policies, and evaluating the range of residential facilities. Don't wait until a family member needs long-term care before you begin to explore this complicated subject.

Book Cover Get a Life:
You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well

By Ralph Warner
Lawyer/consumer advocate Ralph "Jake" Warner thinks the popular advice that implores Americans to save piles of money for retirement is hugely exaggerated. Jake urges us to have built a life worth living by middle age, and tells the stories of seniors who have done just that. He offers advice on many issues, such as deciding what a reasonable nest egg should be and developing a healthy lifestyle. This book will help you find your way to a more fulfilling retirement, while it eases your current stress level.

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Debt Management Personal Finance
Home Business Real Estate
Retirement & Estate Planning Health, Food & Safety
Family Life Cars, Computing, Clutter & Junk
College Voluntary Simplicity/Gardening
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