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GoodAdvice Press:
Tools for Creating the Life You Want!

Stop Junk Mail Forever
(Telemarketing & Spam, Too)
by Marc Eisenson, Nancy Castleman, Marcy Ross & "The Stop Junk Mail Man"
(28-page booklet, $4.50 US)

      Some 75 million trees and 30 billion gallons of water are used to produce each year's crop of catalogs and come-ons. Nearly half get trashed unopened.

"I cut my mail down from literally two cubic feet a week to just a neat handful a day by applying the techniques in the booklet Stop Junk Mail Forever. ... In my opinion, it's worth its weight in gold."
-- Elaine St. James
Living the Simple Life

Table of Contents

Introduction -- Key Statistics
Marketing to Kids
What About Junk Mail You Want to Get?
The One Shot Semi-Solution (The Direct Marketing Association)
The Truth About Warranties
Beware the Supermarket Scanner
U.S. Post Office Change of Address Form
Even Uncle Sam Sells Names
Motor Vehicle Bureaus: Names for Sale - Cheap
Stop Telemarketing Calls
The Hazards of Being in the Phone Book
Short Circuit Junk E-Mail
The Secret Life of Spam
Who We Are

Stop Junk Mail Forever costs $4.50 (price includes postage). You're welcome to snail mail us a check or call to place a MasterCard or Visa order. Click here to use our secure order form or keep reading to see what the press is saying about Stop Junk Mail Forever.

Home Page
"This enormous waste of resources has always raised the ire of environmentalists, but perhaps none more than the folks at Good Advice Press, who got so steamed about this environmental drubbing that they've rapped out a passionate and useful little booklet on how to halt junk mail from appearing in your mailbox."

-- Mark Harris, Syndicated Columnist
Earth Matters

"Giving the junk-mail senders and their sources a dose of their own medicine ... ."

-- Robert Mamis
INC. Magazine
"Your name can sneak onto mailing lists in ways you hardly expect. ... If you're ready to fight the entire system, read a good pamphlet, Stop Junk Mail Forever, which explains how to take your name back from credit bureaus, giant list brokers, even the post office"
--Will Nixon
E Magazine
"Most of the financial offers we found in our mailbox deserved a quick trip to the landfill. ... You can cut down on mailbox clutter by keeping your name off mailing lists. A good how-to guide is Stop Junk Mail Forever... ."
-- Kristin W. Davis
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
"... filled with excellent ideas and I highly recommend it."
-- Jean Blake, "The People Helper"
New Orleans Times-Picayune
"For consumers wanting to give the environment a break, there's help available to stem the tide. ..."
-- Jack Sirard
The Sacramento Bee
"This new pamphlet shows exactly how to get off virtually every direct mail and telemarketing list and keep off new ones, without stopping the catalogs you enjoy. ..."
-- Robin Leonard
Nolo News

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