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The Banker's Secret in a Nutshell:
       Managing your debts as carefully as you manage your investments will save you thousands of dollars in interest. Consistently send in a bit more than is required -- on your mortgage, credit card bills, and other loans -- and watch your assets increase, as your debts disappear. See how much you can save.

What the Experts Say:
      "The best source, and one I heartily recommend, is the book The Banker's Secret by Marc Eisenson. First published in 1984, the book is considered the bible of mortgage prepayment. ... The latest edition of the book comes replete with prepayment tables. The book also answers questions about bi-weekly mortgages and refinancing, and in general debunks the myths about 'the supposed advantages of deficit living.'"
-- Humberto Cruz, Syndicated Columnist
"The Savings Game"

      "Marc Eisenson has given new meaning to the old saying 'A penny saved is a penny earned.' He shows you how the pennies you save can grow into thousands of dollars. The Banker's Secret is money magic!"
-- Norman F. Dacey
author of How to Avoid Probate!

      "You can save considerable money by pre-paying part of your mortgage principal in occasional installments. It's all explained in ... The Banker's Secret!"
-- Don Dunn, BusinessWeek

      "The Banker's Secret ... spells out the advantages of pre-payment and includes step-by-step instructions on how to go about it."
-- William Flanagan, Forbes
Your Mortgage Is a Great Investment
Based on a $100,000 30-year mortgage @ 8%
Pre-Pay Interest Cost Save
$0 $164,149 $0
$25 $140,812 $23,337
$50 $124,243 $39,906
$100 $101,693 $62,456
$200 $75,889 $88,260
       Learn how to save thousands on your loan, and get answers to all your pre-payment questions from the acknowledged expert in the field. Read the book, A Banker's Secret ($9.95 US) by Marc Eisenson. Order here.

      Also available, The Banker's Secret Software Package ($39.95 US). See how much time and money you can save by pre-paying your mortgage, car loan, or student loans. And create plans to payoff those plastic monsters in your wallet.

      "Think of him as the Father of Debt Reduction. His name is Marc Eisenson, and he has been telling people how to save money on their mortgages or credit cards since the late 70's. Most people know him through The Banker's Secret, a book that began as a booklet in 1984 ... Eisenson has also developed software to calculate savings from mortgage and credit card prepayment, and publishes a newsletter on living inexpensively."
-- Scott Burns
Personal Finance Columnist
Dallas Morning News

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